

Tricia {37 weeks}

It felt as though Tricia & Brian were long lost friends from the get go! Immediately after Tricia contacted me to book her maternity session, we realized we had lots of mutual of friends in common! I also found out, her husband Brian played baseball with Dave (my husband) at UD. SO ironic! Needless to say, my session with the Lyons went seamlessly...

Since Tricia and her family live in Cincinnati, she suggested having her session at Ault Park. I was thrilled, as I love photographing at new locations! It was the perfect sentimental place for her session, as it was also the place where Tricia and Brian had their wedding pictures taken. However, I must admit I was a little bummed to show up and find a special event about to take place in the pavilion and a white tent covering the beautiful arches I wanted to photograph around. Regardless, I still think we got some amazing maternity shots that Tricia & Brian will remember forever!

Oh - and how can I not blog about their little cutie pie Jacob?! :) He was too cute for words! Every time Tricia or Brian would say "what do you say to the camera???" Jacob would respond "cheese!" with the most ADORABLE smile. See below!

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